Domenico Lombardi

Director pursuant to the combined provisions of the By-Laws, Ministerial Decree 169/2020, Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998 (Consolidated Law on Finance) and the Corporate Governance Code
Domenico Lombardi has been an independent Director of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. since April 2023 and currently serves as the Chairperson of the Appointments Committee as well as a member of the Risk and Sustainability Committee and the Related-Party Transactions Committee.
He graduated summa cum laude in Business Economics from Bocconi University in Milan, specialising in the Economics of Financial Intermediaries, and was a “Stringher Mortara” Economist at the Bank of Italy's Research Department from 1996 to 1999. In 2004 he obtained a PhD in Economics from Nuffield College, Oxford University.
He has international experience in the governance and senior management of multilateral financial institutions, think tanks, and banking and financial intermediaries; he has published on financial and governance issues in leading scholarly and professional journals; he has been an evaluator of the governance of international financial institutions (International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and Financial Stability Board) and has been heard by the boards of several multilateral institutions and parliamentary committees (including the US Senate Banking Committee and House of Representatives Treasury Committee).
From 2001 to 2005 he was appointed by the Bank of Italy as Advisor to the Executive Director and Alternate Member of the Executive Board of the IMF in Washington. From 2005 to 2007, he held a similar position at the World Bank, also appointed by the Bank of Italy. From 2007 to 2013, he was a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution in Washington; from 2013 to 2017 he was Director of the Global Economy Department and a member of the Senior Management Committee at the Centre for International Governance Innovation in Canada.
From 2017 to 2019 he was Chief Executive Officer of Banca di San Marino. He was an Independent Director from April 2020 to June 2023, and, since March 2021, has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Extrabanca S.p.A., which he currently chairs.
He was awarded the title of Cavaliere all'Ordine del Merito della Repubblica Italiana in 2018 on the initiative and by order of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.
He is a member of the General Council of Aspen Italia, member of the Scientific Committee of the De Gasperi Foundation, member of the Executive Board of the Kypseli Study Centre, member of the Advisory Board of the G7 and G20 Research Groups, University of Toronto, Senior Associate of the Global Economic Governance Programme, Oxford University, Committee Member of the Bretton Woods Committee, Washington.
He is currently Professor of the Practice of Public Policy and Director of the Policy Observatory at the Luiss University’s School of Government. He is also a Commissioner of the Scottish Fiscal Commission.